Activity Standards - How To Discuss
Activity Standards,
Activity Standards:
Goals that focus on the efforts (activities) to achieve the goals, regardless of whether the goals have been achieved or not. Compare performance standards.
Literal Meanings of Activity Standards
Meanings of Activity:
Work done or done by an individual or group.
A thermodynamic quantity that represents the effective concentration of a given component in another solution or system, equal to its concentration which gives rise to its number of activities.
Sentences of Activity
The economy resumed operations
Business marketing activities
Synonyms of Activity
business, project, pursuit, occupation, job, task, undertaking, scheme, affair, campaign, venture, enterprise
Meanings of Standards:
A measure of quality or performance.
Something used as a measure, standard or model in benchmarking.
(Especially in relation to jazz or blues) A popular song of Raw or popular popularity.
Military or formal flags are hoisted on poles or waved on ropes.
A tree or shrub that grows taller on a vertical trunk.
Vertical piping for water or gas.
Used or accepted as normal or medium.
(From a tree or bush) Intact, growing on a standing trunk.
Sentences of Standards
The restaurant offers a high quality service
Low wages by today's standards
Many songs went to the western part of the country, other songs were standard jazz and kissing nova pop.
Sir Marcus Versley paid tribute to the Queen Mother and members of the Malton and Norton branches of the British Royal Legion raised flags.
Regular tax rate
Standard waves are useful in situations where direct altitude is required.
Synonyms of Standards
day-to-day, specification, principle, rule, banderole, typical, prevailing, stock, paradigm, streamer, ideal, level, benchmark, habitual, guideline, banner, established, wonted, daily, routine, expected, norm, touchstone, model, conventional, settled, archetype, grade
Activity Standards,
Activity Standards Meanings:
You can define Activity Standards as, Standards that focus on efforts (activities) to achieve goals, whether they have been achieved or not. Compare with standard results.
Literal Meanings of Activity Standards
Meanings of Activity:
The state in which something is happening or is being done.
Any work that a person or group does or is doing.
A thermodynamic quantity that represents the effective concentration of a given component in another solution or system, equal to its concentration multiplied by the coefficient of activity.
Synonyms of Activity
act, diversion, lark, doing, interest, hobby, action, exploit, manoeuvre, caper, recreation, entertainment, pastime, deed, thing
Meanings of Standards:
Anything used as a measure, standard or model in benchmarking.
A familiar melody or song (especially about jazz or blues).
A tree or shrub grows to a full height on a standing trunk.
Vertical pipe for water or gas
Synonyms of Standards
worth, excellence, flag, burgee, pennon, labarum, pendant, quality, pennant, colour (s), vexillum, guidon, gonfalon, degree, calibre, merit, ensign
Activity Standards,
What Does Activity Standards Mean?
Activity Standards means, Standards that focus on efforts (activities) to achieve goals, whether they have been achieved or not. Compare performance standards.
Literal Meanings of Activity Standards
Meanings of Activity:
Something that is done or done by a person or a group.
A thermodynamic quantity that indicates the effective concentration of a given component in another solution or system is equal to its concentration multiplied by the number of activities.
Meanings of Standards:
A melody or song of established popularity (especially in relation to jazz or blues).
A tree or shrub that grows to full height on a standing trunk.