Advanced Tv - How To Discuss
Advanced Tv
All television content beyond traditional linear television delivery models. This general term includes the following elements:
Literal Meanings of Advanced Tv
Meanings of Advanced:
Advertise or use.
Progress in space or time.
Get up get up.
At or near the state of the art.
Forward in time or space (e.g. ignition advance).
Developed well beyond the early stage to a late stage of development.
Pronounced further from the vocal channel.
(Filipino English) (clock) with the correct time one hour ahead.
Meanings of Tv:
The taxable value of the property on which the tax is calculated.
Electronic means of communication that allow the transmission of visual images and often sound in real time.
Apparatus for receiving and reproducing television signals in visual form.
The programs are jointly broadcast on television.
View remotely.
The amount of air inhaled or exhaled during normal breathing.
A person who occasionally wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex, usually a man who occasionally crosses paths out of habit or personal choice.
A person, usually a straight male, who compulsively seeks and takes advantage of paraphilic arousal through cross-dressing, especially when the urges and behaviors are distressing or socially disruptive to the patient.
Sentences of Tv
It is good that the TV does not let odors through.
I have an old television in my office.
Fifty-seven channels and nothing on TV.