Are Altoids Vegan - How To Discuss

Are Altoids Vegan

Is this an Altoids plant? 3

I have a box of Altoids and they look delicious.

If I am a vegetarian, can I still eat?

(My friend doubted)

They contain gelatin, so no they are not vegetables.

Are Altoids Vegan

Are Altoids Vegan

No. Read the label. Altoids contain gelatin. But as Kirks points out, there are bugs that are almost as good. I had cinnamon and winter mint, and both were great. I like that they do not contain artificial ingredients. Mint tip is vegan but it has artificial sweetness.

As mentioned earlier, altides contain gelatin, so they are not suitable for vegetables. Whatever it is (men you wear). If you are not sure, read the ingredients. Don't eat if you can't read.

I think it depends on your vegetable race. Altoids contain gelatin made from pork. Barclays or Mints are safe for vegetarians.

Altoid gum, labeled sugar-free, does not contain gelatin, is suitable for vegetables, herbs or Tse after halal or kosher tea.

No, Altoid contains gelatin.

no. I've only tasted tea, but they come in other flavors like coffee, peppermint, peppermint and peppermint.

no they are not. Altides contain gelatin, cooked skin, livestock and pig bones and tendons. Don't eat !!!!!!

OK if you are kind without meat but yes if you are nervous then no. But I don't understand why they are just a group of overgrown people, not that they do anything for it.

Are Altoids Vegan
