Can Albinos Dye Their Hair

Can Albinos Dye Their Hair

Can you dye your hair while you're at it? 3

My friend and I were wondering if someone could dye their hair with Nazm, what color would it be?

if you can. They don't have oil, but their hair is as thick as your hair. Just as you can dye your hair, you can dye your hair.

Student hair

Yes, but the color of the coloring pack does not usually stay on the hair of the same color. Conditioners and 8 washes also don't work well, but they do produce color.

I think it lacks natural pepper, unless the hair is damaged by perm or severe blisters :) Henna will definitely look good, but eyelashes and eyebrows need to be done professionally :)

If the natural light hair toner is not working or imitation), they are specially formulated for bleached blonde hair. Ask the salon if you are not sure :)

Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

Can Albinos Dye Their Hair

Can Albinos Dye Their Hair

Yes, she does not know her hair and wears contact lenses.

My son has Al-Nazm. She combed her hair a few years ago and it looked ridiculous. I do not recommend.

You are unlikely to go ....

I think yes .....

Can Albinos Dye Their Hair
