Commerce Audience - How To Discuss

Commerce Audience

Criteo Audiences, which allow advertisers to target potential customers who are interested in certain categories or brands, or with certain socio-demographic characteristics. Learn more.

Literal Meanings of Commerce Audience


Meanings of Commerce:
  • The bartering or buying and selling of goods, especially the exchange of goods, on a large scale between different places or communities has expanded trade or traffic.

  • Social Relations The relationship of a person or class in a society with closeness to each other.

  • An 18th century French card game in which cards are swapped, exchanged or exchanged.

  • Trade in traffic.

  • Have before communion.

  • Audience:

    Meanings of Audience:
  • A group of people who specifically listen, a large group of people who listen or watch a performance, performance, etc.

  • The hearing status or the hearing status or hearing.

  • For example, a general or national audience watches or listens. B. network, television or radio program.

  • An official meeting with a state or religious figure.

  • The number of readers of a book or other written publication.

  • Suite room.

  • Audiencia (Court of the Spanish Empire) or the territory it rules over.

  • Sentences of Audience
  • We joined the crowd as the lights went out.

  • He received an audience with the Pope.

  • Private Eye has a small but loyal audience.

  • The opera singer expanded his audience by singing performance songs.

  • Commerce Audience
