Contingency planning - How To Discuss

Contingency planning,

Definition of Contingency planning:

  • Activity undertaken to ensure that proper and immediate follow-up steps will be taken by a management and employees in an emergency. Its major objectives are to ensure (1) containment of damage or injury to, or loss of, personnel and property, and (2) continuity of the key operations of the organization.

  • How to use Contingency planning in a sentence?

  • You should always have people that are good at contingency planning on your side so that you know how to deal with anything.
  • Our contingency planning was really good for all of us and had a great effect on everyone else around us.
  • You need to set up good contingency planning so that if things dont go well you can adjust accordingly and be prepared.
  • Meaning of Contingency planning & Contingency planning Definition

    Contingency Planning,

    Contingency Planning: What is the Meaning of Contingency Planning?

    • The definition of Contingency Planning is: The process of developing and integrating crisis management protocols into an organization before a crisis.

    Literal Meanings of Contingency Planning


    Meanings of Contingency:
  • Future events or situations that may occur but cannot be predicted with certainty.

  • Sentences of Contingency
  • A detailed agreement that seeks to assess every possible emergency

  • Synonyms of Contingency

    accident, happening, event, emergency, possibility, eventuality, chance event, occurrence, chance, incident, juncture


    Meanings of Planning:
  • The process of planning something.

  • Sentences of Planning
  • Large-scale production methods require detailed planning.

  • Synonyms of Planning

    working out, preparations, setting up, designing, design, forethought, organization, groundwork, arrangement, drafting, preparation

    Contingency Planning,

    Contingency Planning: What is the Meaning of Contingency Planning?

  • The process of developing and integrating crisis management protocols in pre-crisis situations.

  • Literal Meanings of Contingency Planning


    Synonyms of Contingency

    fortuity, uncertainty, (chance) event


    Meanings of Planning:
  • Decide in advance and make arrangements.

  • Make a plan (make or make something)

  • Synonyms of Planning

    build, want, expect, propose, hatch, programme, mean, purpose, draw up a plan of, formulate, make a map of, preparation(s), slate, plot, shape, orchestrate, make a representation of, excogitate, fix up, contemplate, envisage, make plans, aim, envision, contrive, set up, intend

    Contingency Planning,

    What is The Definition of Contingency Planning?

    A simple definition of Contingency Planning is: The process of developing and integrating pre-crisis crisis management protocols.

    Literal Meanings of Contingency Planning


    Meanings of Planning:
  • The process of planning for something.

  • Decide and arrange in advance.

  • Synonyms of Planning

    prepare, devise, desire, concoct, organize, work out, develop, project, sketch out, draw up a layout of, schedule, frame, wish, have in mind, think out, choreograph, foresee, chalk out, brew, map out, outline, hope, scheme, cook up, mastermind, line up, make a drawing of, be resolved
