Database Encryption - How To Discuss

Database Encryption

Database encryption tools are used to protect data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). Encryption can be implemented using proprietary DBMS tools, third-party software tools and network devices, or it can be implemented in SANs using infrastructure-based encryption. Database encryption is increasingly being implemented as a regulatory flag by customers enabling built-in encryption. There are two operational scenarios: encrypt the entire database or encrypt specific columns or fields in the DBMS.

Literal Meanings of Database Encryption


Meanings of Database:
  • A structured set of data stored on a computer that can be accessed in various ways.

  • Sentences of Database
  • Database of nine million employees.

  • Encryption:

    Meanings of Encryption:
  • The process of converting information or data into code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Sentences of Encryption
  • I use encryption to protect sensitive information sent over the internet.

  • Database Encryption
