Distributed Computing - How To Discuss
Distributed Computing
A form of computing in which data and applications are distributed across different computers or systems, but are connected and integrated through network services and interoperability standards so that they function as a single environment. See DCE (Distributed Computing Environment).
YouTubeDistributed Systems | Distributed Computing Explained
In this bonus video, I discuss distributed computing, distributed software systems, and related concepts.In this lesson, I explain:* What is a Distributed Sy...
Literal Meanings of Distributed Computing
Meanings of Distributed:
Divide and divide.
Provide points of sale.
Supply or distribute.
Scatter or distribute.
Distribute (more or less evenly).
Classify or categorize.
Be distributive.
Separate (from the type used) and put it back in the corresponding boxes in the drawers.
Distribute (ink) evenly, so B. on a roll or table.
Use (term) in its entirety to be considered universal in the premise.
Sentences of Distributed
He distributed bread to his followers.
The agency distributes newspapers to local businesses.
The Network distributes flyers in every home.
I raked the ground and then scattered the grass seeds.
The six-legged robot distributes its weight over a large surface.
The database divides verbs into transitive and intransitive segments.
Meanings of Computing:
Count or calculate.
Has the meaning.
The process or act of calculation.
Using a computer or computers.
The study of computers and computer programming.
Sentences of Computing
Can anyone here calculate the square root of 10201?.
Is this calculated or do I need to explain more?.
This course covers several important areas of computer science.