Dividend Discount Model (DDM) - How To Discuss
Dividend Discount Model (DDM),
What is Dividend Discount Model (DDM)?
The Dividend Discounting Model (DDM) is a quantitative way of predicting the price of a company's stock based on the theory that all future dividend payments have a value equal to the current price when the current price is discounted. Calculate the fair value of the shares regardless of market conditions and also take into account the distribution of profits and expected market returns. If the DDM's earned price is higher than the current trading price of the share, then the shares are not valued and are eligible to be bought instead.
Literal Meanings of Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
Meanings of Dividend:
A company pays its shareholders regularly (usually quarterly) from profits (or reserves).
A large number was divided by the second number.
Sentences of Dividend
Tax exemption for pension fund profits has been abolished.
Dividend must have more than one symbol of the calendar.
Synonyms of Dividend
advantage, yield, proceeds, takings, percentage, profit, interest, emolument, reward, income, earnings, receipts, dividend, return, winnings, benefit
Meanings of Discount:
Decrease the (normal value of an item)
Lack of credibility (possibly reality or person) is not worth seeing.
Usually a deduction from the normal price of an item given to a particular class of buyers on time or in the case of an advance payment.
(From a store or company) who have a product to sell at a lower price.
Sentences of Discount
Existing users are eligible for discounts.
I heard the rumors but put them aside
Many stores offer discounts on bulk purchases
Discount Pharmacy China
Synonyms of Discount
cut, rebate, pass over, cut price, ignore, gloss over, concessionary price, overlook, dismiss, reduction, price cut, pay no attention to, concession, lower price, take no notice of, disregard, markdown, deduction, take no account of, take off, brush off
Meanings of Model:
Fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or thing) is made of a viable material such as clay or wax.
Use for example (system, method, etc.) to imitate or imitate.
Create simpler explanations (systems or processes), especially math, to make calculations and predictions easier.
Display (clothes) when used.
A three-dimensional representation of a proposed person, object, or structure, usually smaller than the original.
A system or object that is used as an example can be tracked or mimicked.
A simple, especially mathematical, description of a system or process to make calculations and predictions easier.
The person who is shown wearing clothes.
Design or version of specific products.
Sentences of Model
Use coverage to model your home
Research methods are based on past work
A computer program that can model smoking behavior
The costume celebrity has modeled
Model of St. Paul's Cathedral
The law has served as a model for dozens of laws prohibiting non-biodegradable plastic products.
Statistical models to predict the survival rate of endangered species
A dummy
Replace your car with a new model
Synonyms of Model
version, prototype, design, mark, style, configuration, imitation, reproduction, double, lookalike, supermodel, sort, variety, mannequin, type, replica, kind, dummy, representation, duplicate, archetype, mock-up, fashion model, copy, stereotype
Dividend Discount Model (DDM),
Dividend Discount Model (DDM) means,
Dividend Discount Model (DDM) means, The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) is a quantitative measure used to predict a company's equity based on the theory that the current e is the sum of all dividend payments when discounted at the current price. Try to calculate the fair value of the stock regardless of the current market conditions and consider the expected market return and profit. If the DDM's earnings value is higher than the current share price, then the shares are worth less and are eligible for purchase and vice versa.
Literal Meanings of Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
Meanings of Dividend:
Amount that the company pays to its shareholders from regular (usually annual) profits (or reserves).
Divide one number by another.
Meanings of Discount:
A reduction in the general price of something.
Subtract (normal price of something).
As far as (possibility or reality) it is not worth considering because it lacks credibility.
Sentences of Discount
Passengers benefit from lower subscriptions.
He heard the rumors but ignored them.
Synonyms of Discount
disbelieve, give no credence to, knock off, slash, reject, take with a pinch of salt, pooh-pooh
Meanings of Model:
The three-dimensional representation of the proposed person, object, or structure, usually on a smaller scale than the original.
Something that sets an example for following or imitating.
A simple, especially mathematical, description of a system or process to simplify calculations and predictions.
Someone is busy showing them the clothes they are wearing.
Product specific design or version.
A fashion or shape (three-dimensional image or item) of flexible material such as clay or wax.
(System, method, etc.) for example tracking or copying.
Representation of (a trend or system), specifically a mathematical design.
Show (clothes) when wearing.
Sentences of Model
Statistical models predict the survival rate of endangered species.
Jane is too young to be a model.
The company unveiled its latest model at the auto show.
The research method is based on previous work.
The dress is made by a celebrity.
Synonyms of Model
template, guide, counterfeit, miniature, clothes horse, blueprint, illustrative, bogus, false, fake, prototypical, sample, paradigm, pretend, exemplar, facsimile, pattern, spurious, example, archetypal, artificial