Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas - How To Discuss
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas? Yes, In the United Kingdom, Muslims celebrate Christmas by hosting dinner parties in their homes on Christmas Day or the day following. Christmas is a Christian religious event that takes place on December 25th and is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians all around the globe. The purpose of the holiday is to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The concept that Jesus was born in the winter is not supported by the Bible.
Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas?
What is referred to be a celebration is unquestionably forbidden since it imitates the traditions of non-Muslims. Muslims are infamous for not having any celebrations other of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the weekly “'Eid” on Friday (Yawm al-Jumu’ah), which is celebrated every week.
Any other holiday is forbidden and is either an innovation (bid’ah) if it is observed as a way to get closer to Allah, like the Prophet’s birthday, or an imitation of the unbelievers, if it is observed as a custom rather than as an act of worship because instituting innovated holidays, is the behavior of the followers of the Book, from whom we are commanded to differ.
Christmas Is Not Religious Anymore, Right?
This is a valid point that some people make. They believe it is no longer a religious festival, but rather a non-religious celebration since so many people celebrate it throughout the globe.
The truth is that it is still, and always will be, founded on the pagan winter solstice event and the Christian idea that it is the birth of Jesus. This has been the case for almost two thousand years, so assuming that the original purpose for celebrating it would vanish and that everyone will only celebrate it for non-religious reasons is wrong.
Any reasonable human being would despise this concept, just as we would despise celebrating the death of your mother or the birthday of your mother’s killer. They would despise it for the rest of their lives.
It makes no difference if the whole world celebrates it or not. Whether people want to overlook the origins of the holiday or not, it is immoral and wicked. Allow them to modify the date to April, May, or June if they are sure that it has nothing to do with pagan and Christian beliefs. Then they’d have a greater case to make.
Even so, it would be haram (sinful) for a Muslim to celebrate it since it is haram (sinful) to celebrate any non-Muslim festival. The reason for this is because it is assumed that that specific holiday day is significant.
It is, after all, a wonderful day. Whose authority was it that this decision was made? Why didn’t the Prophet and his companions celebrate it if it was a great day? Why didn’t Allah tell us it was a significant day? Allah has bestowed unique days to the Muslims. What more could a Muslim want or require?
Christmas is a Christian religious event that takes place on December 25th and is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians all around the globe. Muslims celebrate Christmas by hosting dinner parties in their homes on Christmas Day or the day following, but it is not a religious festival. Islam is founded on the pagan winter solstice event.
How To Celebrate Christmas As A Christian?
Christmas means a lot to practically all Christians, and even those who aren’t religious see the season as a chance to spread kindness to all people. Some people recall all of the gorgeous gifts they received, while others recall the lavish feasts they had at a family member’s home on Christmas Day.
Observe Advent
Purchase or construct a wreath with simple branches and no ornaments. A candle should be placed in each of the wreath’s four corners. Three of the candles should be purple, while the fourth should be pink.
On the first Sunday of Advent, light the first candle; on the second Sunday of Advent, light two candles; and so on. On the third Sunday of Advent, light the pink candle. This is all in preparation for the Messiah’s birth.
Read Christmas Story In Bible
You may read it once on Christmas Eve, either alone or with your family, once a week in December, or even every day in December! Whatever seems good to you is what you should do.
Go To Church
On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, try to attend church. Go both days if you have the time and ability! Don’t restrict yourself to those days, however. Everyone is extremely busy in December, so try to find time for church at least twice as often as normal.
Check to discover if your church has a Christmas pageant if you have children or are a youngster or adolescent yourself.
Take a few minutes if you’re worried about present shopping, if the home will look ideal, or whether the meal will be ready on time. Take a deep breath, say a prayer, then return to what you were doing with a clear mind.
Display A Nativity Scene
Place it anywhere you like. Because it is such a prominent location, on the mantel is quite popular. You may do it all at once, or you can do it in stages, starting with baby Jesus and ending with him on Christmas Eve.
Some folks even place baby Jesus on the opposite side of the room and count down the days until he’s in the manger on Christmas Eve by moving him closer to the Nativity every evening.
Talk To Your Family
If you have older children or teenagers who have never experienced a Christian Christmas, they will be confused by the shift. Inform them, as well as any other family members who may be affected, that you wish to celebrate Christmas in honor of Jesus. Calmly, explain why it’s vital to you.
Read the Christmas story in the Bible, or try to attend church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
If you’re looking for ideas for decorating for the Christmas season, try making a Nativity scene or putting baby Jesus on the mantel. Some folks even place baby Jesus in the manger and count down the days until he’s in there each evening.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
People usually asked many questions about “do Muslims celebrate Christmas”, some of the related questions are given below:
Are Muslims allowed to enjoy Christmas?
Muslims, like everyone else who isn’t a practicing Christian, celebrate Christmas in the same way. They enjoy the Christmas season by spending time with their loved ones. After all, it is not necessary to be a Christian to appreciate the season.
Why don’t Muslims do Christmas?
Because Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God’s son, they have nothing to celebrate, thus the celebration is not included in their calendar. It also implies that there are no formal holidays in Muslim nations. It is for this reason that Muslims do not have Christmas trees or fairy lights in their homes, schools, or businesses.
Which religions do not celebrate Christmas?
Most faiths, such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, do not acknowledge Christmas and Easter since they are ancient Christian holidays, hence Christianity is the only religion that celebrates them. It is understandable to Jews why they do not celebrate Christmas.
What is the real meaning of Christmas?
It is a moment when God expresses His deep love for us. It may be a period of rejuvenation and healing. Sure, enjoy the season, but don’t forget to celebrate! After all, the actual purpose of Christmas is to commemorate God’s greatest gift: the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christ child.
Who started Christmas?
Christmas was first celebrated in the Roman Empire in 336, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine — thus technically, the Romans originated it, but no one individual is credited with doing it.
Is Santa real?
He is based on St. Nicholas of Myra, a bishop in that little Roman town during the fourth century, according to Christian tradition. Nicholas’ charity and goodwill earned him a reputation for performing miracles for the impoverished and destitute.
How old is the real Santa Claus?
Santa Claus is 1,750 years old as of 2021, according to the site Email Santa. In truth, Santa Claus may be traced back to a monk named Saint Nicholas, who lived between 260 and 280 A.D. in the hamlet of Patara, which is now part of modern-day Turkey.
How old is the Bible?
The original Biblical tales were handed down, with several writers eventually writing them down. The Book of Genesis, according to most Biblical scholars, was the first book to be written down. This might have occurred between 1450 and 1400 BC. So it was probably about 3400 years ago.
Christmas is a Christian religious event that takes place on December 25th and is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians all around the globe. In the UK, Muslims celebrate Christmas by hosting dinner parties in their homes on Christmas Day or the day following.
Santa Claus may be traced back to a monk named Saint Nicholas, who lived between 260 and 280 A.D. in the hamlet of Patara, which is now part of modern-day Turkey.
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