Docket - How To Discuss


Definition of Docket:

  • General: Summary of a message or statement, recorded usually chronologically in a register and given a serial number (called docket number) for reference.

  • Courts: Chronological listing of all cases, pleadings, and orders of a court, maintained by a clerk of court.

  • Synonyms of Docket

    Domesday Book, Account book, Address book, Adversaria, Agenda, Aide-memoire, Album, Annotation, Annual, Appointment calendar, Appointment schedule, Balance, Balance the books, Batting order, Beadroll, Bill, Bill of fare, Billhead, Blank, Blankbook, Blotter, Blueprint, Book, Book stamp, Bookplate, Brand, Broad arrow, Budget, Cachet, Cadastre, Calendar, Capitalize, Card, Carry, Carry over, Carte du jour, Carve, Cashbook, Cast up accounts, Catalog, Census, Census report, Chalk, Chalk up, Charge off, Check, Check in, Checklist, Checkroll, Chirograph, Chronicle, Classified catalog, Close out, Close the books, Colophon, Commonplace book, Counterfoil, Countermark, Court calendar, Credit, Cut, Daybook, Debit, Desk calendar, Diary, Diptych, Document, Dossier, Dramatis personae, Engagement book, Engrave, Enroll, Enscroll, Enter, Entry, File, Fill out, Footnote, Form, Government mark, Government stamp, Grave, Hallmark, Head count, Holograph, Honor roll, Impanel, Imprint, Incise, Index, Inscribe, Insert, Instrument, Item, Jot down, Jotting, Journal, Journalize, Jury list, Jury panel, Keep books, Label, Ledger, Legal document, Legal instrument, Legal paper, Letterhead, Line up, Lineup, List, List of agenda, Log, Logbook, Logo, Logotype, Loose-leaf notebook, Make a memorandum, Make a note, Make an entry, Make out, Marginal note, Marginalia, Mark down, Masthead, Matriculate, Memo, Memo book, Memoir, Memorandum, Memorandum book, Memorial, Memory book, Menu, Minute, Minutes, Muster, Muster roll, Nose count, Notation, Note, Note down, Notebook, Official document, Order of business, Pad, Paper, Papers, Parchment, Personal file, Petty cashbook, Place upon record, Plate, Playbill, Pocket notebook, Pocketbook, Police blotter, Poll, Post, Post up, Price tag, Program, Program of operation, Programma, Property roll, Prospectus, Protocol, Put down, Put in writing, Put on paper, Put on tape, Questionnaire, Record, Reduce to writing, Register, Registered trademark, Registry, Reminder, Returns, Roll, Roll call, Roster, Rota, Running head, Running title, Schedule, Scholia, Scholium, Scrapbook, Scratch pad, Scrip, Script, Scroll, Seal, Set down, Sigil, Signet, Slate, Spiral notebook, Stamp, Sticker, Strike a balance, Stub, Table, Tablet, Tabulate, Tag, Take down, Tally, Tape, Tape-record, Tax roll, Ticket, Timetable, Title page, Token, Trade name, Trademark, Trademark name, Triptych, Videotape, Workbook, Writ, Write, Write down, Write in, Write out, Write up, Writing, Writing tablet, Yearbook

    Meaning of Docket & Docket Definition


    How Do You Define Docket?

  • List of cases heard in courts or newspapers, with a brief note on the legal process

  • Meanings of Docket

  • Add (case or hearing) to the list of people who need a hearing.

  • Brand (product or packaging) with a document or label indicating its contents.

  • Calendar or list with pending cases or pending cases.

  • A document or label that lists the contents of a package or shipment.

  • Sentences of Docket

  • The case will be taken to the Supreme Court and can be filed for a period of fall.

  • With no judge in sight, the prosecutor began asking for all the records for a brief meeting at the front desk.

  • The Department of Health works with UK supermarket chains to obtain information on the fat and calorie content of consumer products.

  • Synonyms of Docket

    certificate, chit, coupon, receipt, proof of purchase, voucher, sales slip


    Definition of Docket:

  • List of cases heard in court or newspaper, with a brief note of the legal process.

  • Meanings of Docket

  • A document or label that identifies the contents of a shipment or package.

  • List of pending cases or individuals with pending cases.

  • Mark a document or label with its contents.

  • Add (cases) to your list.

  • Sentences of Docket

  • New case on the Florida agenda.

  • Clothes will be carefully changed and arranged.

  • The suitcase can be closed in the fall

  • Synonyms of Docket

    documentation, acquittance, chitty, paperwork
