How Long Does It Take To Walk 12 Miles
How Long Does It Take To Walk 12 Miles
How long does it take a guest to cover 12 miles? 3
That's right
Well, it depends on how fast you go. According to Wikipedia:
For humans, the most important means of transportation for horse-drawn carriages or animals is walking. Although walking ED can vary widely depending on factors such as height, weight, age, region, region, exposure, culture, and physical condition, the average ED walking in humans is 3 miles per person.
So if an average of 3 miles per hour passes 19 miles, it will take an average of 4 hours.
p which helps.
Assume that the speed of 3 miles per hour is SD 4 urs.
Slow down = 4 urs
Brisk walk = 3.4 ur
Brisk walk = 2.6 ur
Run = 2 hours
How Long Does It Take To Walk 12 Miles