How To Pronounce Guillotine - How To Discuss
How To Pronounce Guillotine
w per gallon ounce? 3
Please do not discuss in one way or another, but provide a reliable source. The History Channel just said guillotine and that's why I asked (I always listen to geotin).
To updateThe first thing I did when I heard it back off was to go ahead, find out more history of one or the other statement and why one should be used more accurately or better than the other and reliable sources. with. .
Guillotine is a French word ... because the method was invented in France. That is my internet.
In French, when you are sick, make a sound that resembles a long voice (as in a mat) followed by an e. So the transition from evil to O sounds like you!
So: G (difficult) + A + E + U + ton
Or try it: + ee + yu + tin .... like it more.
The English adaptation promises to be Gil + U + Teen.
UPDATE: Whenever you give me a push, I'm definitely not a native French speaker. It's not just Gee + or Prong +. If so, Gothenburg would do the trick. There is no point in putting a double L on it. Double-L looks different, almost like double-e, but not at all.
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How To Pronounce Guillotine
How To Pronounce Guillotine
This page can help you.
w per gallon ounce?
Please do not discuss in one way or another, but provide a reliable source. The History Channel just said guillotine, so I asked (I always hear geotin).
The statement you often hear is the French guillotine statement, which does not say ll but sounds like y. In English, 11 ounce is more common than ounce giluhteen. It could be Galloway (like the History Channel example), but when you say that, oh, it turns into ah.
According to MSN Encarta, this is guillotine. When you visit the MSN Encarta website, there is even a button that you click that opens for you. I always say geotin, but I think I'm wrong.
Google Mary Webster Online. You will have a leader to say and say.
I think only British people talk to L.
How To Pronounce Guillotine