Long/Short Fund - How To Discuss
Long/Short Fund,
Long/Short Fund Meanings:
A simple definition of Long/Short Fund is: A long / short fund is a type of mutual fund or hedge fund that usually takes a long and short position in investing in certain markets. These funds typically use a variety of investment techniques such as leverage, derivatives and short positions to buy proportionate securities and sell overvalued securities.
- Buy or Sell Mutual Funds Use an investment strategy that aims to take a long position in non-valued stocks while selling overvalued stocks.
- The purpose of long / short is to take advantage of traditional investments by taking advantage of stock profit opportunities as indicated.
- Hedge funds typically use long / short stocks, which are usually relatively long-term, such as the 130/30 strategy, where long-term exposure is 130% of the managed asset and 30% exposure. Is.
Literal Meanings of Long/Short Fund
Meanings of Long:
For a long time.
(Referring to the ball in the game) on, or a great distance, or expected or exceeded.
Long intervals or periods.
Long long sounds like long Morse code or long head or long long words.
Long-term bonds, especially gold paper.
Take a long distance from one end to the other.
Too long or too long.
Relatively large scale.
(Of a letter) is classified according to its criteria and its length is longer (for example in standard British English the head / uː / is longer in food unless a short head / / Against one).
(Difficulty or luck) Reflecting or representing lesser possibilities.
(Stocks, bonds or other assets) are acquired in anticipation of a price increase.
Well provided.
Strong desire or longing.
Sentences of Long
We haven't known him in a long time
The defender retreats and throws the long ball
will meet again
Two long and one short
When dollar rallies occur, gold is under pressure and you may need to move to a weaker long position before resuming your advance.
Long way
Long and successful career
Synonyms of Long
wish, be eager, protracted, hunger, presently, would give one's eye teeth, yearn, thirst, lingering, dragged-out, be desperate, spread out, ache, interminable, stretched out, in a short time, pant, burn, prolonged, be consumed with desire
Meanings of Short:
Cause of short circuit or short circuit.
Sell before you buy (stocks or shares or other goods) for the purpose of making a profit when the price is low.
Alcoholic beverages are served in small quantities.
A short film against a feature film.
For example, a short accent. B. Short Morse Code or Short Head or Short C
A short circuit.
Someone who sells short.
Mix rice flour and coarse flour.
Keep a short distance from one end to the other.
Finally, or take some time.
Relatively small extension.
(Of a letter) is categorized as short in terms of quality and length (for example, in standard British English, the head is short as opposed to the head / long head in good).
Sentences of Short
Short circuit
Short brown hair
Visit London for a short break
Short speech
Synonyms of Short
passing, curt, uncivil, abridged, short-lived, quick, ill-mannered, curtailed, surly, brief, momentary, compendious, crisp, gruff, snappy, concise, temporary, sharp, summary, impermanent, testy, brittle, offhand, meteoric, economical, ephemeral, abrupt, truncated, small
Meanings of Fund:
Paying for a specific purpose.
The amount of savings or money available for a specific purpose.
Sentences of Fund
The World Bank refused to finance the project
Created Economic Investment Coordination Fund
Synonyms of Fund
reserve, finance, purse, pay for, provide finance for, pool, support, sponsor, maintain, provide capital for, subsidize, float, be a patron of, put up the money for, underwrite, back, capitalize, collection, endow, kitty
Long/Short Fund,
Long/Short Fund: What is the Meaning of Long/Short Fund?
Long/Short Fund refers to Long nd / srt nd or nd is a type of mutual hedging that takes a long and srt position in investing, usually starting with specific market segments. These NDs typically use a variety of alternative investment techniques such as leverage, derivatives and SRT positions to buy relatively low-value securities and sell high-value securities. Knot Lange / srt can also be called better nodes or 130/30 nodes.
- Long / SRTNDS uses an investment strategy that aims to take long positions in low value stocks by selling high value SRT stocks.
- Long / srt aims to capitalize on traditional long-term investments that have been identified as low value and high value, taking advantage of profit opportunities from bonds.
- Long / SRT stocks are often used by hedge funds, which usually last a relatively long time, such as:
Literal Meanings of Long/Short Fund
Meanings of Long:
(Off wolves) is classified as long in terms of quality and length (for example, in standard English, vowel / uː / is longer in foods while the short letter / / is in both). ۔
(Difficulty or luck) Reflecting or representing a low probability.
Long sounds like long Morse code or long head or long letters.
(Referring to the ball in the game) Too far or more.
During (added to the name).
Sentences of Long
Long corridor
An industry is hungry for ideas but with very little money
The Cambridge team has been playing football for a long time.
Synonyms of Long
long-lasting, hope, lasting, boring, be dying, yen, extensive, eat one's heart out over, dream of, wearisome, in a little while, hanker for/after, be bent on, any minute (now), seemingly endless, of considerable length, drawn-out, long-drawn-out, lengthy, in an instant, need, soon, in (less than) no time, by and by, in a moment, in the near future, anon, in no time (at all), ■■■■ after, want
Meanings of Short:
Measure short distances from one end to the other.
(One head) is classified as short in terms of quality and length (for example in standard British English vowel / / in good long vowel / uː / is short in food).
Briefly insulted (by someone)
(Probability or Destiny) Reflecting or representing a high probability.
(Bread products) which have a high content of fat in the flour and therefore crumble.
(Especially in sports) at relatively short distances or at relatively short distances.
Short film against feature film.
Short sounds such as short Morse code signals or short heads or short letters.
Selling before buying (stocks or bonds or other items) for the purpose of making a profit when the price falls.
Sentences of Short
This rule prevents sellers from selling shares short unless the last trade results in a price increase.
Synonyms of Short
lightning, abbreviated, transient, bad-mannered, epigrammatic, short and sweet, low, laconic, rude, succinct, dwarf, graceless, terse, stubby, teeny-weeny, fatty, direct, pointed, transitory, friable, fugitive, summarized, wee, tart, evanescent
Meanings of Fund:
Money saved or available for a specific use.
Synonyms of Fund
investment, bankroll, foot the bill for, foundation, endowment, savings, pick up the tab for, stash, grant, provide finance/capital for, charity, stake, nest egg, trust