Periscope - How To Discuss


Social streaming app acquired by Twitter. It allows users to broadcast and explore the world through live video and social interactions.

Video streaming tool with huge privacy implications.

Live video streaming mobile app developed by Joe Bernstein and Kayvon Bakpour in February 2014. Owned by Twitter. Click here to know more.

Periscope is a live video streaming app from the good guys at Twitter. Unlike YouTube, which rarely broadcasts live, Periscope makes it feel like we're in the same room as you, watching you swim, work, or walk your dog. It is the most popular video streaming app.

Meanings of Periscope

  • A form of viewing device that allows the viewer to view objects at different heights and usually with minimal visibility.

  • : general or full picture.

  • Get up and look around you like a periscope.

  • Stream live video from your phone or tablet with the Periscope app.

  • Sentences of Periscope

  • When the protests broke out, they looked at me in the street through a periscope. You can't periscope while driving!.

  • Periscope
