Pesticide - How To Discuss
Definition of Pesticide:
Chemical or biological substance designed to kill or retard the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation desired by humans. Practically all chemical pesticides, however, are poisons and pose long-term danger to the environment and humans through their persistence in nature and body tissue. Most of the pesticides are non-specific, and may kill life forms that are harmless or useful.
A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.
Synonyms of Pesticide
Cain, Aborticide, Acaricide, Anthelmintic, Antibiotic, Antiseptic, Apache, ■■■■■■■■, Assassinator, Bactericide, Bloodletter, Bloodshedder, Bravo, Bug ■■■■, Burker, Butcher, Button man, Cannibal, Carbamate insecticide, Chemosterilant, Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, Contact poison, Cutthroat, Defoliant, Desperado, Disinfectant, Eradicant, Eradicator, ■■■■■■■■■■■, Exterminator, Fratricide, Fumigant, Fungicide, Garroter, Genocide, Germicide, Gorilla, ■■■, Gunman, Gunsel, Hatchet man, Head-hunter, Herbicide, Hit man, Homicidal maniac, ■■■■■■■■, Infanticide, Insect powder, Insecticide, Killer, Man-eater, Man-killer, Manslayer, Massacrer, Matador, Matricide, Microbicide, Miticide, Murderer, Organic chlorine, Organic phosphate insecticide, Parricide, Patricide, Poison, Poisoner, Rat poison, Regicide, Roach paste, Roach powder, Rodenticide, Slaughterer, Slayer, Sororicide, Stomach poison, Strangler, Suicide, Systemic, Systemic insecticide, Thug, Torpedo, Toxic, Toxicant, Toxin, Trigger man, Uxoricide, Venin, Venom, Vermicide, Virus, Weed killer
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Meaning of Pesticide & Pesticide Definition