Private Medical Insurance - How To Discuss
Private Medical Insurance,
Definition of Private Medical Insurance:
Private Medical Insurance definition is: A policy that covers private health care costs.
Literal Meanings of Private Medical Insurance
Meanings of Private:
The lowest-ranking soldier, specifically classified as a First Class Soldier in the US Army or Marine Corps
Summary for private party
Belong to a particular person or group of people.
(A person) who does not hold a public or public function or position.
Owned by an individual or company (of a service or industry) or independent of the government.
Sentences of Private
He joined the army in 1980 and was initially sent to Germany as a supply soldier as a young soldier.
All rooms have their own bathroom.
Photos are sold to private collectors
Private sector research projects
Synonyms of Private
privatized, commercial, one's own, privately owned, independent, individual, non-public, non-state-run, exclusive, common soldier, particular, non-state-controlled, denationalized, private soldier, personal, special, private-enterprise
Meanings of Medical:
Medical science or the treatment of diseases and wounds.
Sentences of Medical
Medical center
Synonyms of Medical
technical, technological
Meanings of Insurance:
The process or arrangement in which a company or government agency guarantees compensation for some loss, injury, illness or death in exchange for premium payments.
Anything that provides protection against possible emergencies.
Sentences of Insurance
Adherence to high standards of personal conduct is the best protection against personal problems.
Synonyms of Insurance
safeguard, financial protection, preventive measure, provision, defence, precaution, indemnification, security, shelter, protection, cover, immunity, surety, safety measure, indemnity