Second Hand Crystals - How To Discuss

Second Hand Crystals

Buying used crystals for stone treatment? 3

Please do not make rude comments.

Can I buy crystals used for crystal healing? I have heard somewhere that it should be avoided because you do not know that it brings bad energy, is that true? I can clean the glass, okay?

Buy crystals

EBay is a great place to buy cheap natural crystals. I think most people think crystals are ■■■■■■■■■ but they spend their whole lives in mineral crystals in small electronic toys, laptops, playstations, TVs and radios.

Personally, I think crystals have a special form of intelligence that we don't yet understand.

All I know is that this crystal has so much control over people's lives!

People will insist that crystals and their technology control crystals! not me!

I read my story! Technos sutek Anuss are all ancient names of Baal etc. This technology was developed!

Humans do not control crystals, crystals control humans and maintain them as Ken said! Until you give them your energy, you work all day to buy them so you can open your crystals.

In return, we will keep a small SW for you!

Anyone with a higher education in science / physics may find the concepts of healing and crystal energy ridiculous. Energy is a measure of working capacity, the unit is joules. A rock holds energy there. When you sit at your desk, you have full energy. When it moves, its kinetic energy. Energy does not exist in such a pure state, there is no healing energy or bad energy that floats around and clings to things. Crystal healing has no meaning, no rational mechanism of action, and never works beyond the placebo effect in any disease.

No matter what you buy, rock is still rock. If they make you happy, do it. However, it is important to see a doctor if you are trying to treat a medical problem.

If you believe in such a thing then surely the other hand is good. Soak them in salt water under the full moon and then bury them under an oak tree for 3 hours or perform any cleaning ritual of your choice. It's just a rock, so do what you like.

Second Hand Crystals


How To Clean Quartz Crystals

Cleaning Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystals with lukewarm water and Iron Out powder.
