Software Development - How To Discuss
Software Development
Project management, specification, design, programming, testing, installation and training related to a specific application development project of any size.
YouTubeWhat is Software Development
This video provides a high level overview of Software Development
Literal Meanings of Software Development
Meanings of Software:
Encoded computer instructions that can usually be changed (unless they are stored in some form of non-volatile memory such as ROM).
People involved in combat, as opposed to material goods such as weapons and vehicles.
Meanings of Development:
The process of growth development, targeted change.
The process by which a mature multicellular organism or part of an organism is formed by the addition of new cells.
Something has grown.
A project consisting of one or more commercial or residential buildings.
Build such a project.
Apply new ideas to practical problems (see research).
Active placement of parts or the manufacturing process.
The process of transforming and reformulating the previous material.
The second movement of a piece of music in sonata form, in which the original theme is adopted in a modified and variant form.
Expression of functions as a sequence.
Sentences of Development
The development of this story was slow.
The organization has reached a critical stage in its development.
Our news team brings you the latest developments.
This year our development department has launched three new stickers.
White's development is good, but Black's e5- is in the way.