Strawberry Coolatta - How To Discuss
Strawberry Coolatta
Strawberry Colta? 3
I was curious, so it tasted like Duncan donuts.
updateKolta is a cold drink, no one told me to put more ice.
I don't even want a Kolta coffee recipe.
Duncan Donuts Colta Coffee:
This version serves 24 ounces (this is the storage medium).
1 1/4 cup strong, cold coffee
1 cup milk
5 sugar bars
2 tablespoons Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 tablespoon of Turani hazelnut syrup
1 vanilla tea extract
1/4 tea with almond juice
2 1/2 cups ice
1. Make strong coffee by grinding twice as much as your coffee machine needs. Leave the coffee in the fridge until it cools down.
2. Mix the coffee frod, the lait, the sucrose, the chocolate sirop, the sirop de noisette, the vanilla extract and the delicacies in a saucepan and mix pendants 1 minute feu doux sucre dise.
3. Add the ice cubes and stir on high power until the ice cubes are crushed and the drink is smooth. Put in two large 24-ounce gels or two 12-ounce gels and serve with straw.
Colta strawberry
1 cup chopped strawberries) 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup sugar (50 grams not included) 2/3 tea vanilla Cut fresh strawberries into slices until you have enough to fill one cup Don't be Place in a blender or food processor, or if you only have one blender, place in a large Pyrex container. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix until smooth.
This is a very delicious cold strawberry drink ... I think it tastes better than Colta Donuts ... but it's just me! I love it!! Visit this resource for more details.
I'm not on the list, I really like Colta Hazelnut. And they are good, but I prefer iced coffee.
Strawberry Coolatta