Why Am I Never Happy

Why Am I Never Happy

Why am I never happy?

.scol has really cool tires this weekend.

A little drama between me and a girl that I hate, why can't I be happy and forget it?

And I don't know what to do! I want to be happy, but I can't smile. Do i have anything to do

1. Make sure you eat healthy (has a big effect on your mood)

2. Drink mango juice or eat mango and one of them contains protein (mango produces endorphins and protein makes you sticky ... you should do this once a day or when you feel sad / depressed Do)

3. Make sure you exercise at least a few times a week, which means you sweat (exercise produces endorphins and relieves accumulated stress that makes us depressed or emotional) Girls are under a lot of stress, and we are not). Doing things that make our kids feel like they're going to get rid of them later, so they stay in our muscles and have negative energy.

4. Smile at people even if you don't want to (if you smile at someone, they will think you are giving a real smile, which will turn them into a real smile, your fake smile) Will turn into real. Smile, or smile to laugh, also produces endorphins).

PS Endorphins are the chemicals we make that make us happy. Many people do not participate in activities that contribute to the formation of endorphins, but it is important to do so, otherwise depression can occur.

Remember happiness is always success, no matter what life is like.

First of all, if there is drama going on between you and this girl, you may care a lot about what she thinks of you, if you and she don't get along, then why do you care? Will?

If you still have a problem with it and it's really bad you can't forget it, try to be that person and solve it, because even though it's bad, you do whatever you want. It can and will help you relax. Long-term exposure.

Some Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mood (It may sound weird, but it's medically proven)

Breathing exercises

Meditation (I pray)

Smiles you even if you don't want to (trust me)

And most importantly, remember that if you are not honest with yourself, you will never be happy. So don't try to be wrong and don't try to be good because you don't have to try to be good.

Yellow who helped.

Because I'm never happy

You are not happy because you are not happy. You think that if you hate this girl you will feel sad or something. Forget that you know this person went and was born with friends. He left with his family and was born. This is the person who will always make you smile, so go ahead and put that smile on your face. XD

Most people are just as happy as they want to be.

Ham Lincoln

Coincidentally, Lincoln suffered from depression, lost his mother at an early age, had a stressful marriage, lost many children, and began the most tragic period in American history. I think it made it difficult.

Because you are missing something ... love. Once you find the boy of your dreams and he loves you, you will be very happy. A little more peel also strengthens your self-confidence.

Why Am I Never Happy
